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What Is Breast Cancer? How to get rid of it.

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Ductal Lavage

Imagine being able to find cancer years before there is a lump large enough to find in a breast self-exam or on a mammogram. That is the promise of this experimental procedure.

Diagnostic Delays – Common & Upsetting

Waiting up to three months for a diagnosis when cancer is suspected is not uncommon. The patient suffers from high stress while the tumor is allowed to keep growing and possibly getting worse.

The Fingerprints of Breast Cancer

A high school science project may result in a new way to diagnose breast cancer risk. Two twelfth grade students and a Calgary researcher will study if fingerprints can identify breast cancer risk.

Mammograms Rise – Law Suits Follow

More women are heeding the call to get regular mammograms which sometimes lead to a misdiagnosis. Missed cases of this cancer lead to law suits. This expense may affect treatment if something is not done.

Diet & Nutrition

Breast Cancer Warnings for Black Cohosh

An alternative medicine to help with menopausal symptoms may cause to spread, increase toxicity of some chemo drugs and produce questionable results.

Eggs Add To Breast Cancer Prevention

The latest food to make the prevention table — eggs! A diet including lots of eggs during your teens may keep thjis cancer at bay through life, but leave out the butter.


What Did They Say???

Doctor – patient communication is at its worst when discussing a cancer diagnosis. There are some good reasons for this and some helpful hints for getting all that you need to know.

A Vote for Patient Education

A third of the doctors who responded to an AMA survey admitted that if a procedure is not covered by insurance, they don’t mention it as an option. One reason? It is unethical to “fool” the insurance companies.

Fund Raising

A Stamp To Fund Research

The Semi postal works just like a regular US postage stamp – almost. It sends your letter by first class mail, but at the same time it’s raising money for research and promoting breast cancer awareness.

Holiday Wishes

Surviving and Enjoying the Holidays

When Mom has breast cancer the holidays can be a special challenge. Dealing with the need to keep everything “normal “and still make happy memories is not that hard if you follow some simple steps.

Happy Holidays to All

The Holidays can be a time of special joy or extra stress to those who share these days with a cancer diagnosis. We hope that this virtual card will help you to focus on the joy of the season!

Inflammatory Breast Cancer – IBC

Inflammatory Breast Cancer — IBC — is a very aggressive form of this disease. The survival rate is lower than for “regular” breast cancer, but is getting higher as research progresses. Debbie is a survivor.

Risk Factors

Abortion & Breast Cancer Risk

While the experts argue and politicians hedge, are the women who have abortions being put at increased risk for breast cancer? The mix of current research turns up some troubling questions.

Baby Fat or Breast Cancer Risk?

One of the main complaints of new moms is the fact that the weight they gain during pregnancy is hard to lose. Breast cancer research may provide some additional reasons to get busy exercising. Losing the pounds reduces your risk.

The Pill… No Breast Cancer Risk

The latest news on the Pill is that it is safe. According to a study reported in the June 27 New England Journal of Medicine there is no evidence that oral contraceptive use increases this cancer risk.

DDT & Breast Cancer Risk

DDT was banned in the United States as a pesticide in 1972. The debate about whether this chemical is still causing this cancer has not died down. A new study adds evidence that there may be a link.

Is The Sponge For You?

The Today sponge has been off the market in the US since 1995. Some are questioning why it is taking so long to get FDA approval here when it freely available in Canada and other countries.


Lumpectomy or Mastectomy? Which is Safer?

A study that followed women for more than 18 years found that the survival rate for lumpectomies and mastectomies was equal. With lumpectomies, follow up is more important.

Surgery By Radio Waves

Using radio ablation to eliminate a this cancer tumor may not be far off. This treatment leaves a very small scar and heals quickly.


Treating More Aggressive Tumors

A report in the Lancet shows research taking steps to tailor this cancer treatments to the DNA signature of the tumor. This preliminary study may open up a new way to stage and treat the disease.


Mangled Statistics Make Good Reading

Statistics are quoted to help make decisions on public policy, research spending, breast cancer treatments and more. How reliable are the statistics that life and death decisions are based on?

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